Jest coverage fails

Probably my last quick post of the year 2016! Yay for 2017!

Recently I really got into unit testing and Jest.

What a wonderful tool! Especially to test React components! As easy as .toMatchSnapshot()! Those who did some component testing using Mocha+Chai know what I’m talking about.

Although, I faced an annoying problem recently.

jest passes but jest --coverage fails

You run your tests with jest. Snapshots are generated properly and tests are passing like you expect them to do.

Life is cool.

Then you run jest --coverage and suddenly you get something like this:

 FAIL  jest/CatBar.spec.js
  ● CatBar component › renders correctly with min params


    Received value does not match stored snapshot 1.

    - Snapshot
    + Received

    @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
         I'm a cat bar. I contain cats.
    -  <StatelessAnimal
    +  <Unknown
         sound="Meow!" />
    -  <StatelessAnimal
    +  <Unknown
         sound="Meoooow!" />
    -  <StatelessAnimal
    +  <Unknown
         sound="Meeeeeeeeow!" />
       <HatchingAnimal />

      at Object.<anonymous> (jest/CatBar.spec.js:11:24)
      at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)

(This is generated on purpose using this cool learning repo about Jest.)

Your tests are failing because the jest --coverage isn’t matching the same component names than your normal jest. It looks for Unknown instead of your component name…

Solution: displayName

The solution is very simple even if a tiny bit annoying.

You need to specify a displayName property on your stateless component. Like I did here to make my tests to pass with --coverage.

StatelessAnimal.displayName = 'StatelessAnimal';

Then if you run your tests again using --coverage it should pass.

Just make sure you don’t make any typo mistake :)

Originally found the solution on these posts: and