React Router - Check params

Hey, it’s almost I forgot I had a blog… Sorry private life got ridiculously busy.

Let’s talk about React Router v4 and its params in the URL.

It might occur that you need to check them. For instance, for my small webapp, I need to make sure that the country is valid and then that the area shortcode is valid too. If any of these two is not, I redirect to not found page.

Note: This example is a very simplified version of my existing code as I was using Redux to update some store state but it would just be noise for this example.

Router config

Let’s have a look at my router config:

    <Provider store={store}>
            <AppContainer />
            <ConnectedRouter history={history}>
                    <MenuContainer />
                            render={props => (
            <Footer /> 

As you can see, my route is not rendering directly my <ListContainer> but it goes through an high order component (HOC) called <ValidatedRoute>

The High Order Component

Let’s have a look at the code

import React from 'react'
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'

const ValidatedRoute = props => {
    const { country, area } = this.props.match.params;

    // Do tests on country param
    if (country !== 'ValidCountry') {
        return <Redirect exact to={`/not-found`} />

    // Do tests on area param
    if (area !== 'ValidArea') {
        return <Redirect exact to={`/not-found`} />

    return React.createElement(component, this.props)

export default ValidatedRoute

ValidatedRoute is rendered first. That way we can catch “on the fly” the params and make sure they match our conditions and if not we simply render a Redirect component from react-router-dom to redirect to a not found url.

Solution inspired by this thread on Stackoverflow.