Recently at Springload, we are exploring the idea of using Huboard to have a better view on our workload on a project and use the full potential of GitHub.
Most of it, I believe, comes from a good utilisation of the labels.
On this page, I will take you through the process I used to copy/create new labels in order to have a nice structure ready for Huboard.
The main tool
We are going to use github-label-sync which is a really cool NPM package available here or even simpler, using npm install -g github-label-sync.
The process
Get the config
In my case, I used an existing repository where I had some cool labels I wanted to reuse but I also needed to add new ones.
I recommend using the GitHub interface to create your extra labels and then run this script
Feel free to reuse directly Springload’s blob. We try to keep it as standard as possible :)
You can also write your own config from scratch if you feel like it. Just make sure to respect this pattern.
Use the config
Once you have your config saved at the root of your project as labels.json and you have run npm install -g github-label-sync, it’s time to import the labels inside your repository.
To do so, run this command github-label-sync --access-token xxxxxx myname/myrepo.
If you want to see what will happen before actually executing it, you can run a dry run with github-label-sync --access-token xxxxxx --dry-run myname/myrepo
Now it’s time for you to create some issues, label them nicely and strictly and then open Huboard.
You will see something looking like this.
With your issues, your colors and your own project stages, etc. ;)